"Sono qui seduta fuori al terrazzino della mia camera d'albergo, davanti a me Lindos. C'é un silenzio assurdo e la musica di una canzone greca rieccheggia tra le vie di questo villaggio. Il tutto reso speciale dal mio vicino di terrazzo, un russo che come me si sta godendo lo spettacolo, fumando una pipa da un sapore molto dolce e al contempo misterioso. Il primo impatto con i greci é stato positivo, sono persone molto simili a noi italiani, ospitali e sempre sorridenti. La cucina é cosí ricca... e per ricca intendo di ingredienti, una semplice insalata di pomodori oggi mi é sembrata un secondo completo! Ricca di colori, ogni pietanza ne é un trionfo. Ho assaggiato la " FETA" formaggio tipico greco esteticamente simile a una piccola philadelphia che, al primo assaggio, mi é sembrato troppo amaro, come se fosse un'oliva nera , poi, continuando ad assaporarlo, si addolcisce. É stata una giornata caldissima e adesso, invece, fa un pó freschetto per restare ancora incantata da queste piccole e intense luci sparse dinanzi a me.. "
EN: Morning! This post date back to the first day in the fascinating Lindos. In the afternoon we went to visit it and in the evening I wrote a post about my first day, while I was out in that terrace that now, I miss so much! Xoxo Marika
"I'm sitting outside, in the terrace of my hotel room..in front of me..Lindos. There is an absurd silence around here and the music of a greek song echoes around the street of this village. All this, made so special thanks to my neighbour, a russian men that like me is enjoying this show, while he's smoking a pipe with a very sweet and misterious taste. The first meeting with greek people was very positive, they are so similar to italians, they are hospitables and they always smile. Greek food is so rich of ingredients and colours! This morning I've tasted the famous " Feta" typical greek cheese, at the begin bitter and then sweet. It was a hot day and now instead is kinda cool to stay still enchanted by these little and intense lights disperse in front of me.."
"I'm sitting outside, in the terrace of my hotel room..in front of me..Lindos. There is an absurd silence around here and the music of a greek song echoes around the street of this village. All this, made so special thanks to my neighbour, a russian men that like me is enjoying this show, while he's smoking a pipe with a very sweet and misterious taste. The first meeting with greek people was very positive, they are so similar to italians, they are hospitables and they always smile. Greek food is so rich of ingredients and colours! This morning I've tasted the famous " Feta" typical greek cheese, at the begin bitter and then sweet. It was a hot day and now instead is kinda cool to stay still enchanted by these little and intense lights disperse in front of me.."
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